Benefits of Pulses – Great Protein Supplement That You Already Have In Your Grocery


Pulses are often overlooked superfoods can be found in any grocery store in form of beans, chickpeas, or lentils. They’re great tasting and provide many health benefits to your body – both physically and mentally! And did we mention they have an incredible amount of protein? Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of pulses.

What are pulses?

Pulses are edible seeds of plants in legume family. Pulses are a great way to add protein to your diet, especially if you’re vegetarian or vegan. Pulses can be eaten as they are or cooked, and they offer tons of flavor and texture that you can’t get from other foods. It’s also an easy protein supplement: pulses have a shelf life of up to 2 years and they don’t require refrigeration! As if that wasn’t enough, there are so many varieties of different kinds of pulses with unique flavors that you’ll never get bored eating them. If you haven’t already discovered the protein-packed power of pulses then now is your chance to try it out for yourself!

Benefits of Pulses

Pulses are a great protein supplement that you already have in your grocery. They can be used in both savory and sweet dishes, and they’re a great substitute for meat for vegetarians. Pulses are also high in fiber, which is good for gut health and weight management. The benefits of pulses don’t stop there! Pulses are high in protein, low in fat, cholesterol-free, sodium-free and gluten-free. Benefits of pulses add pluses to your meal by helping you feel full faster and stay fuller longer. Protein supplements make it easier to hit the recommended protein intake each day while being easy on the stomach.

Here are some great benefits of pulses:

  1. High in Fiber

Pulses are beans, peas, lentils and other legumes. Pulses are a great source of protein and fiber. One cup of cooked pulses supplies an adult with their daily requirement of both protein and fiber. They also provide important minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium. And they’re delicious! Add pluses in your meal by adding some pulses to soups and salads or casseroles for extra flavor without extra calories or fat.

  1. Low in fat

They are low in fat, and high in protein diet. Pulses are also high in dietary fiber and rich in potassium, magnesium and iron.  They can eat alone or add to other dishes. Add them to soups, salads, curries or rice dishes. Experiment with lentils, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), dried peas or black beans. There are no limits on how you can use pulses as they come in many different shapes and sizes.

  1. Cholesterol free

Pulses are a low cholesterol food, and they help with weight management by providing healthy, sustainable energy. They also have plenty of fiber which helps with digestion and lowers cholesterol levels. Plus, pulses are really versatile! You can prepare them as you would any other type of legumes or use them in soups and stews.

  1. Sodium free

Pulses are made up of lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas and other crops that have seeds or grains. These crops are low on the glycemic index meaning they won’t spike your blood sugar levels and will keep you fuller for longer. They’re also rich in antioxidants which can help prevent cancer and heart disease.

They’re also rich in soluble fiber which helps to lower your cholesterol levels. They contain all nine essential amino acids, with chickpeas being particularly high in lysine, tryptophan and methionine.

  1. Gluten free

To make a meal that is gluten-free, it is important to substitute the flour with a different protein. For instance, you can add pulses in your meal. This will add pluses in your meal because pulses are a great protein supplement that you probably already have in your grocery. There are many types of pulses and each type has a different flavor. Pulses come from various plants such as beans and peas, but also lentils and even chickpeas.

  1. Source of Iron

Pulses are also one of our best natural sources of iron, which is an essential nutrient that helps your red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body. Iron deficiency anemia is quite common, and consuming more pulses may help to prevent or relieve symptoms like fatigue and weakness.

Why do you need protein?

Protein is important for the growth and maintenance of muscles, bones, skin and blood. Some people may not get enough protein from their diet or activities. When this happens, protein supplements can help fill the gap. Pulses are a great source of plant-based protein that you probably already have in your grocery. 1/2 cup of cooked lentils contains 18 grams of protein, 1/4 cup dry chickpeas contains 8 grams of protein, and 1/4 cup dry beans has about 7 grams. Use these three ingredients together to create a nutritious dish with 30 grams of protein!

Which type of pulses should I choose?

Lentils are one of the most popular pulses and are a good source of protein and fiber. Other types of pulses include red lentils, brown lentils, black beans, chickpeas, and navy beans. Depending on your taste benefits of pulses and  preferences or dietary needs, you may want to experiment with different types of pulses to see what works for you. Add pluses in your meal by adding them to recipes like curries, soups, salads, side dishes, dips and spreads.

There are a number of pulses that you can experiment with, including lentils, beans and chickpeas. Most pulses are affordable and readily available from health food stores or grocery stores. To incorporate pulses into your diet, begin by adding them to salads, soups and stews for an extra protein boost.

Pulses can be enjoyed in place of meat or fish because they contain both plant-based diet protein as well as fiber.

What are some pulse recipes?

Whether you’re a vegetarian, vegan, or just looking for a tasty alternative to meat, pulses are a great protein supplement that you probably already have in your grocery. Pulses are the dried seeds of legumes like beans and lentils. They come in many different shapes and sizes with an array of flavors and textures. The most common type is black beans, but there’s also pintos, chickpeas (garbanzos), green peas (chholar dal), yellow peas (chola urad dal), kidney beans (rajma) and more. Here are some pulse recipes:

      1.Black bean dip:

Combine 1 cup cooked black beans, 1⁄2 cup salsa and 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro in a food processor until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve as a dip or topping on salads, tacos or burritos.

     2. Red Lentil Curry:

Cook 1 cup red lentils in boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain any excess liquid from the pot and return it to heat. Add 3 teaspoons curry powder, 3 teaspoons turmeric, 1 teaspoon ginger paste and 2 teaspoons minced garlic and cook for 5 minutes or until desired thickness. Stir occasionally so that nothing sticks to the bottom of the pot. If needed, add a few cups of water or vegetable broth to thin out sauce. If you want it spicier, add hot sauce after cooking.

     3.Mung Bean Soup:

Cook 1/4 cup mung beans in boiling water for 8-10 minutes or until tender; drain any excess liquid from the pot and return it to heat. Add 4 cups of vegetable broth and simmer for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally so that nothing sticks to the bottom of the pot. Next, add 4 cups of water and season with soy sauce, miso paste, sriracha sauce or any other favorite condiment. Lastly, stir in 1/2 cup chopped kale leaves before serving. Mung beans are actually members of the legume family and one pound can make up to four servings.

This dish is a good option for vegans because it provides more benefits of pulses, it doesn’t contain dairy products or meat and can be made ahead of time, reducing prep time during busy weeks.

Final Words

The next time you go to the store, be sure to pick up some pulses. This will give you a good protein supplement and it’s something that you probably already have in your pantry. They’re also easy to cook with which makes them even more worth it! Benefits of pulses are pulses can last for weeks and there are many different types of pulses to choose from.  These include beans, peas, chickpeas (chickpeas), lentils and dry beans.

It is recommended to soak dry beans before cooking them as this will help reduce the amount of gas they produce when they digest in your stomach. If you are concerned about cooking too much at one time or if you don’t plan on eating all of the soaked beans then freeze what’s left over so that it doesn’t go bad. Another great thing about pulses is that they are inexpensive and full of nutrients like fiber.

Also, make sure not to overcook your beans as this will cause them to break down into a mushy consistency. Try adding vegetables such as carrots, onions, garlic and celery when cooking beans for an extra boost of nutrients.

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