Know What Are The 6 types Fundamental rights of India


Today’s topic is the Fundamental rights of India. In this, we will learn about our fundamental rights, how many types are there and what is their effect on our life, and why it is necessary for us.

Fundamental rights of India are said to be those rights that are given to citizens by the constitution, being fundamental to the life of the individual and which are not interfered with by the state, these are such rights that are necessary for the full development of the personality of every person.

It is important, without these fundamental rights of India, a person cannot develop his life fully, every student is the most important link for the better development of the country, students are the future of the country, but sometimes students are deprived of their fundamental rights.

They are exploited, so it is important that every student, whether from school or college, should know about these fundamental rights, then only our country will be able to move forward on the path of development. And When it comes to moving forward, one has to learn about the law, the law college Indore is at the forefront.

Types of Fundamental Rights

Fundamental rights are basically of 6 types.

  • Right to Equality
  • Freedom Right
  • Right Against Exploitation
  • Religious Freedom Right
  • Right to Cultural and Education
  • Constitutional Remedies Right

These rights are called Molika Rights because they have been given a place in the constitution of the country, they cannot be changed in any way only during the process of amendment in the constitution, they can be changed only during the process of amendment of the constitution, the fundamental rights of India. It happens to every person equally.

Right to equality-

This right provides the right of equality to all citizens under the law, it means men and women are equal, regardless of religion or caste, if anyone breaks the law, then the law is equal with everyone. Will behave whether she is a woman of Brahmin society or a man of Muslim society.

Right to freedom–

According to this right, every person of the country has the right to live his life with full freedom and fearlessness, under this right a person can freely express his thoughts, wherever there is freedom of speech, his life should be smooth. It is the most important of all fundamental rights, without this the use of other rights is not possible.

Right Against Exploitation–

When it comes to exploitation, then this word seems familiar. In India, for centuries, the weak people have been exploited by the rulers, feudal and powerful people, in our country for centuries, the practice of slavery existed in some form or the other. Agricultural laborers, bonded laborers, women, and children were exploited by making them work. This right is one of the important fundamental rights, in which we ensure rights like equal living, equal education, equal business, equal pay.

Right to religious freedom–

In our country, May all people have the freedom to follow or follow the religion of their choice, every person is free to do whatever his religion says, that’s why Muslims fast in Ramadan, Hindus during Navratri and Christians during Lent. Keep fast, but we should not forget that while following our religion, other people also have complete freedom to follow their religion, so we should respect our religion as well as the religion of others, i.e. We should not encourage casteism.

 Cultural and Education Rights–

The main purpose of these fundamental rights of India is to protect the minorities, people of many castes and religions live in our country, in which there are many such groups, whose number is very less, who live in remote areas, or even in the forests. A large group which we call Dalits or people of a small religious group like Parsis also come under minorities, they also have the right to take advantage of all those rights, which are increased in cities or people of other castes. According to this everyone has the freedom to propagate their caste and religion and equally has the right to basic education

Right to Constitutional Remedies–

The Fundamental rights of India Constitution have been provided, but they should be followed properly. It is very important to have a system, if it is not so, then these rules have no meaning. So under the Fundamental Rule ” Constitutional Remedies Right” all Citizens have equal right to appeal to the court for justice.

Characteristics of Fundamental Rights:

Fundamental rights are not absolute, they are subject to reasonable limits. They target the instability between an individual’s liberty and social security. But the appropriate restrictions are subject to review. It may take a look at some of the distinguishing features of these rights,

  • All fundamental rights of India can suspend. Keeping the security of the country in mind, the right to liberty automatically suspend during an emergency.
  • Many fundamental rights are beneficial for Indian citizens. But some fundamental rights can be availed by both citizens and non-citizens of the country.
  • Fundamental Rights can amend or modified but they cannot abolish. The abolition of fundamental rights violates the basic foundation of the Constitution.
  • Some rights are available against the country, some are available against the people.
  • Fundamental rights are just, if any fundamental right of a citizen violates then he can go to court..
  • Fundamental Rights are an essential part of our Constitution.


There is no right that does not have any liability in relation to it. However, we have to understand that the Constitution has expanded the rights on a large scale. We should understand and respect them. In order to run our life smoothly and not exploit in any way. It is necessary for us to be aware of our fundamental rights of India.

If you want to learn or know in more detail or want to know about many other types of legal rights, then you can join Law College Indore (Indore Management Institute.)

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