6 Reasons Employers Should Offer Good Eye Care Benefits


As more people work remotely and spend more time in front of computers, preventing digital eye strain and preserving eye care benefits health are becoming increasingly important. A 2019 employer health benefits survey shows that an increasing number of companies offer healthcare benefits, but only 46% provide vision insurance.

An estimated 177 million adults in the United States—and over 70% of the workforce—require some form of vision correction. This eye-popping number shows an obvious need for coverage. While cost may be an issue for some businesses, the long-term benefits often outweigh the short-term expenses.

Offering vision coverage is an excellent way to look after the health of your employees. Here are some of the reasons you should consider adding this essential component to your existing eye care benefits package.

1. Improves Productivity and Performance

Overreliance on technology and excessive screen time, which many workers are doing more of these days, might potentially lead to eye issues. They can also contribute to decreased productivity.

An Employee Perceptions of Vision eye care benefits survey reveals that 79% of employees experience at least one visual disturbance that affects their eyes at work. More than half of those polled report taking at least one break every day to rest their eyes because they hurt. Employees state that increased time spent on devices such as computers, mobile phones, and tablets negatively affects their job performance owing to headaches, exhaustion, and inability to focus.

Employees who spend more time at their computers are more likely to acquire Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Exhaustion, lack of circulation, and eyestrain caused by screen glare or incorrect computer brightness adversely impact productivity. When the eyes grow tired and a migraine develops, it can be difficult to concentrate at work.

Offering vision insurance may help your organization create a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce by keeping eye health and eye care benefits as a priority for employees.

2. Enhances Quality of Life

You’ve probably experienced how inconvenient it is to squint to see everything around you if you rely on contacts or glasses. But a poor eye for health is more than an inconvenience. All of the time spent in front of computers and smartphones can lead to digital eye strain.

When blue light from digital gadgets hits your eyes, it scatters, causing your eyes to work harder to concentrate. Long-term exposure can result in headaches, impaired vision, light sensitivity, eye strain, and dry eyes.

3. Helps Prevent Vision Loss and Chronic Health Conditions

For eye care benefits, routine eye exams can also significantly impact the eye health of your employees. During an annual comprehensive exam, the doctor can assess your employees’ eyes and detect early warning signs of chronic conditions—like diabetes, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid disorder—that would otherwise have no noticeable symptoms.

Eye exams can also help prevent common eye diseases—such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration—from causing permanent vision loss or blindness.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 93 million American adults are at high risk for serious vision loss, but only half of them visited an eye doctor in the previous year. For many employees, having access to eye care benefits insurance at work means being able to receive early treatment for a chronic condition or preserve their eyesight.

4. Increases Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Both the company and the employees win when employers are flexible, attentive, and transparent about the workplace benefits they provide. Even small businesses that can’t afford many benefits packages in the past may negotiate customized plans and look into supplemental benefits.

Ultimately, the purpose of employer-sponsored benefits is to strengthen the relationship between an employee and the company. Offering vision insurance and eye care benefits may be expensive, but this is a great way to show how much you appreciate your employees. When employees feel valued, they are more motivated, engaged, and productive.

5. Reduces Costs

Vision coverage not only saves your employees money on eye exams, glasses, and contacts, but it also saves your company money. Employers may save thousands of dollars yearly per employee by providing basic vision coverage with low-cost boosters that give employees access to premium frames, contacts, and other benefits.

Employees may not think about their benefits until they need them, and many of them are underutilizing their vision benefits. So, encourage your workforce to take advantage of free annual eye exams, which are proven to help prevent and detect chronic conditions and eye diseases.

6. Helps Attract and Retain Talent

A 2017 survey conducted by Wakefield Research shows that 98% of employees believe that including eye care benefits in the overall health, package demonstrates the company cares about their employees’ well-being. The same study indicates that 87% of employees would be more inclined to stay with an employer that provided high-quality vision benefits, such as coverage for the premium frame and lens options.

Employees today want better vision benefits, more education that goes beyond the enrollment period, and workplace practices that promote eye health. Companies should consider providing a vision plan that not only covers eye exams and glasses but also provides information and resources on how the appropriate eyewear may improve and protect eye health.


While conventional employee benefits packages typically focus on healthcare and dental coverage, there is a growing employee demand for more comprehensive eye care benefits. As digital eye strain and other conditions associated with increased screen time become more prevalent, companies need to offer better vision benefits employees can use to stay healthy and productive.






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